Broken Comradeship

1 min readJan 11, 2021


In most places, I find my civility leaving me, as we become more and more parallel to the detail in which I want to rest my intention with everyone else being fake and all about social acceptance. Once upon a time life was supposed to be a makeshift, cruel nature between the theme and conclusion of sobriety and abstemious to foods of vice and sin. Nowadays you can’t find any means of affinity in the backstreets of the southwest side of the commonwealth. You have your patronizing, materialistic, and uncharismatic Hollywood assholes on one end, and the customary in the nature of reverence and comradeship of the everyday shared drink between one or more consenting adults pretending life is about retiring or getting drunk on the other. There’s no in between. This writing isn’t to better your day or persuade you to try and better yourself for any rationale but comparatively, make it let known that the society we live in is fitting to a stain of surgency to the antiquated past that got us where we are today. To that I say we drink to forget and pretend as we should. The real world is just a little too harsh for one's own person.

